
Showing posts from July, 2020

Tips and tricks to engage the kids over the summer holidays.

  Yes, summer is upon us and with very little notice it would seem; or maybe that’s just me! What with all the time spent at home over the past months juggling working from home and finding creative ways to engage the kids as well as trying to keep up with being newly appointed teachers 😊 . It's unsurprising that many parents have not actually had time for self. So now that we have officially entered into the holidays, with little or time to plan   a break away or even a staycation (I hate buzz words😏) given the uncertainty of the current climate, what do we do with the kids? Unless you intend to con them into thinking school is still on, so they continue to do copious amounts of schoolwork  ( this is definitely something I would do πŸ˜‰ ), here are a few ideas you may want to try and some websites that could be useful. credit: Dani Rendina (unsplash) 1. Writing stories or poetry If your offspring are literary geniuses in the making you could encourage them write down ideas

Up and Running

So, after a lengthy break I yesterday decided to return to running! Surprisingly it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be considering I haven’t gone running since last summer :) I am really trying to get back to my 5k running at least three times in the week but even a shorter run if I am consistent will be great. Running is my go to for peace and clarification. When I run I feel free and I am able to clear the cobwebs not to mention the added benefits of glowing skin, clothing that fit more comfortable as well as being super energised to get through the day. The past few months of lockdown provided the perfect opportunity for a great run, but I somehow just couldn’t muster the energy to do it. Perhaps I was too caught up with worrying about limiting my outside contact or was just getting a bit too lazy or maybe just plain getting old! Whatever the reason, I am finally up and running and I am looking forward to finishing off the rest of the summer looking and feeling great!