How are you staying motivated during lockdown?


 How are you staying 
motivated during lockdown?

So, we have been more or less restricted in

 movement for the better part of a year.

 Depending where you are, your situation will

 be more or less different. Many like myself

 have been through several periods of

 lockdown which has resulted in restrictions on

the majority of our daily activities.

We are sociable beings- well mostly! we are

 used to being out and about. Engaged in

 various activities and interactions.

Suddenly, we cant go out, cant meet friend or colleagues.

Can’t attend church, a concert , a party!

How do you deal with this? How do you cope?

Are you motivated enough to build and maintain the resilience you need to cope?


What really motivates you?

If you are struggling to find a way to stay motivated here are a few tips that I have found

 to be quite useful.


1. Prayer

 You may already be familiar with the power of prayer. If so you will understand the

 kind of connectedness and respite  that you can get, from a belief in the fact that

 your prayers are heard and will be answered.

I pray often and especially when I feel a disconnect or that I need to be re-grounded in

 some way or other. I have found that prayer has  been a great source of comfort that

 have either given me perspective or hope in the fact that whatever situation I find

 myself in, will only be temporary.


2. Reading

I like to read because I always get a new or different perspective. Reading opens up the

 mind and imagination. It has the ability to transform your thinking and to introduce you

 to experiences , ideas and places that are unfamiliar.

Whether you read for knowledge, information or simply for pleasure, you are elevating

 and stimulating your mind! This can only lead to all kind of possibilities!


 3. Get creative

Whether it be cooking, baking, crafting, writing… whatever your passion. Get you teeth

 into something and get your creative juices flowing. This will definitely leave you with

 some amount of mental clarity.

I am not very good at artsy crafts. Perhaps because I am lacking in patience, but I enjoy

 cooking. I especially enjoy putting a twist on an old familiar recipe to make something


Cooking and baking has become a reliable mode of escape for me during these

 otherwise difficult periods of lockdown.

I look forward to going to the supermarket, not only because it's one of the few options

 to ‘go out’, but also because I look forward to getting the ingredients I need to create

 that new recipe I just came up with!


4. Be charitable

If we just take a look around us there is so much need. So many people who have

 suddenly found themselves in desperate situations.

There is always someone that needs our help, however how small.

Charity benefits both the giver and receiver.

Don’t give because you hope to receive. Be charitable because it builds character and

 makes you a better person.

Be charitable because it makes you a better neighbour, a better friend.

Be charitable because we are our brother’s keeper.

Charity does not limit itself to monetary gifts. Be charitable with your time, your energy,

 and your expertise.

Be willing to listen and also to offer solace to someone who may be bereaved or

 otherwise indisposed.


5. Listen to music

Music is a huge part of my daily routine. It offers escape and it offers hope. It affords

 me calm if I’m feeling stressed.

Whatever the music you are interested in, whatever really gets you going!  Now may be

 a great time to build up your personal music library. Whether you have your collection

 on Spotify or on an on demand device such as Alexa. You can always find great music

 that is accessible for free!

Music , like reading have the ability to transform you. According to research , music not

 only offers relaxation , it is excellent for reducing stress and anxiety.

Music is a great source of elevating moods, building alertness as well as helping you to

 sleep better.


6. Go for a walk / exercise

I find that I am enjoying walking so much during winter. The cold air is especially

refreshing and liberating. It’s sometimes difficult to get motivated to go out when it’s so

 cold, but I find that once

 I am outside I don’t want to go back in!

Take a walk , even if it’s the last thing you want to do. Nature have a way of making you

 feel so welcome. Embrace it!

It may also be your only source of exercise at the moment, so get out there and make

 the most of it.

Make exercise a part of your daily routine. Whether it be just stretches or the more

 vigorous stuff.   It will not only make you feel better, it will

 also help to add  clarity and structure to your day.




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